
What's So Special About An Octopus?

We are all familiar with the majestic beauty of an octopus and how they continue to roam our large oceans on Earth. But not many actually understand what makes these...

What's So Special About An Octopus?

We are all familiar with the majestic beauty of an octopus and how they continue to roam our large oceans on Earth. But not many actually understand what makes these...

How the octoplush helps children Express their Emotions in a Healthy Way

How the octoplush helps children Express their ...

Young children struggle with expressing emotions in healthy and sustainable ways, and if punished too often or severely, children will slowly learn and develop to hide their emotions, which is...

How the octoplush helps children Express their ...

Young children struggle with expressing emotions in healthy and sustainable ways, and if punished too often or severely, children will slowly learn and develop to hide their emotions, which is...